
Young Ray O'Connor is off on another of his mad-cap running adventures this weekend. He has braved volcanic ash clouds this morning to fly over to England to take part in one of marathoning's most gruelling multi day events. Starting tomorrow morning, Ray will be one of a select group of crazies to take part in the 'Brathay 10 in 10' which constitues the running of 10 standard marathons over just 10 days. This is the second time that Mr.O'Connor has taken part in the Brathay event and, as far as we know, he's the only Irishman to complete this particular challenge to date.

Ray has promissed us updates on his progress each day and so I'll post news here as the 10 day event unfolds.

Full event details including profiles of all of the participants can be found at




Iain Shaw

14 years 2 months ago


All the best, look forward to the reports, was good reading last year.

Mad fool !!



14 years 2 months ago

Ray, Where did Mick pull this photo from? Last time I saw you you had taken the whole training thing to heart and actually started doing 'training' and were a shadow of your former self!
It says alot if Mick Rice is calling you crazy...although it is perhaps a little scarey and something we need to talk about when you get back.
Best of luck out there and remember.."work those glut's'

Maire Treasa Beatty

14 years 2 months ago

Hi guys,
Just to let you know! Ray did day one in 3.56 and day two in 3.57. Well done Ray. I will light a candle for you! Two down only 8 to go!!! But for all you others reading this that man can do this 10 in 10 no problem I know it. Don't you just hate him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well Jane-Ann Mick Rice calling Ray crazy he who runs 20miles just for a morning jog is that not like the kettle calling the pot black!! Best of Luck Ray keep on running ! Maire Treasa


14 years 2 months ago

I've been told he had a "easy" day today, only 3:43!

Seven still to go though :-).

Valerie G

14 years 2 months ago

It must be the Aerodynamic hair in that Photo - Marathon no.5 done in 3:36,,, Fantastic!!!