
The Connemarathon has come and gone for another year and the memories are still fresh. Perhaps most of all we'll remember it as a race that took place under blue skies and a very warm sun. There seemed to be Athenry AC singlets everywhere you looked. If our club has a 'home' marathon this is certainly it. Our very own Ray O'Connor has learnt his trade as race director well over the last nine years and his team put on one hell of a show. Every detail of the race organisation has been considered and the result is a race that caters to the runner's needs in every possible way. The logistical arrangements opperate like clockwork from dawn (literally) to well after dusk.


In terms of the competitive action our highest placed runners were 'the Golden Girls' Jane Ann Healy and Eimear Butler, both of whom are enjoying a rich vein of form at the moment. Jane Ann placed second in the half-marathon and Eimear was just seconds behind her in third place. Jane Ann was only 25 seconds behind race winner Heather Ann Searles. These two competitors and good friends have been involved in some close finishes this year already and look set to contest even more big races before the end of the road racing season. Our congratulations go to both runners on such fine performances.

In the 39.3 mile ultramarathon, yours truly placed 5th in a time of 04:28:33 which was an improvement on my previous best time over the course. It was good enough to earn me the M40's prize which was a lovely surprise. All through the field Athenry singlets were in evidence. As the official results don't display club affiliation it's not easy to pick out all of the maroon and white mafia but Maeve Noone battled through the heat to lead many of her Fit for Life crew to their first half-marathon finishes. What a day to run your first 'half'! Well done all.

Roll on the 10th Anniversary race next year....


14 years 3 months ago

Well Done to all last Sunday..Bhi siabh go h-iontach ar fad!!

Eimear Butler

14 years 3 months ago

Great report Mick, I was proud to be wearing the Athenry singlet! Well done on your achievement, I knew you must have been happy from the big smile you had at the finish line, Eimear.

Maire Treasa Beatty

14 years 3 months ago

A Hugh congratulations goes to our Club. You were all fantastic you all did a great run it was not easy!!!! It was very hot out there but what a club. Congratulations to Mick Rice only for I was in my car I would not have kept tabs on You!!! I think you nearly killed Valerie on her bike going up the hill in Leenane!!!!!!!!!!! Well she could not talk trying to keep up with you nice to know someone can shut her up!!!!!!!!!!!!Sorry Val. Well done Eimear and Jane Ann got to see ye a few times both girls flying it all the way. Frank Burk came into Maum Bridge as if he was out on a stroll don't you just hate that!! Well done to you to Frank always smiling for the crowd. M. Rooney I hardly recognize you hiding behind that beard but you were spotted. Denise you had a great run Maria we will not mention what you were like half way up the hill but you did it fair play to you. To all the other Athenry Crowd Orla Deirdre Sinead it was great to see you all in the your Club colours. Sorry did not know all the names but I did shout come on Athenry at ye. Well it was a fantastic day Well done and congratulations to you all.

Dee H

14 years 3 months ago

Great running girls - a great run of form indeed and I was glad I wasn't trailing up that hill in the heat on Sunday. Am looking forward to trailing in your wake around the park this week!

And Mick - that core work is clearly paying off...


14 years 3 months ago

It really was a great day and after the gait returned to normal on tuesday and I no longer resembled John Wayne or a toddler coming backwards down the stairs I can conclude I love Connemara.
After finishing the National 10km and once again being proud of wearing an Athenry singlet, I am resigned to the fact I am made for distnace not speed. Eimear and I are in agreement that a half marathon is easier than 10km. Well done to everyone on Connemara and 10km and to the support.
P.S I had no takers on my 'GENTLE' warm down in the phoenix park but had a few strangers run alongside me for a mile or two...Mick once you have recovered proper from your Ultra I'm sure ill have company again.

Mick Hanney

14 years 3 months ago

Hi Mick, Fully agree with you. Credit to all involved in making this event so special.

Thanks to you for pacing me - unknownst to you - in the first half of my marathon. It was reassuring to see your Athenry singlet in the distance and great to catch up with you for a brief word at Leenane before you sped away up the hill for a great finish to your race.


Mick Hanney