
Connemara Marathon race director Ray O'Connor blazed a trail around the Utrech Marathon in the Netherlands yesterday to set a new personal best time for the distance. Taking full advantage of the flat course to run an even-paced race, Ray came home in 3:16:52 to take a fair chunk off his previous best time for the distance.

Speaking to 'reporters' afterwards, Ray was all smiles, saying "I knew it was flat, but I didn't realised that they'd ironed it out as well".

Ray attributed his fine performance in Holland to a revolutionary new preparation technique that he has been experimenting with recently. He said, "Some people had said to me before that I should try training for these races, like actually going for some training runs, but I've always been a bit sceptical. Recently I've experimented with actually doing some of these 'training' runs and it might have made some difference this time. In fairness I'm not completely sold on the concept just yet but I believe there might be something in it. After all those sports science boffins are coming up with new stuff all the time and I don't want to discard the concept just yet. Who knows, I could be onto a winner here." 

Outside of his new training schedule,  Ray will have his hands full next week when the thousands of runners from all over the world descend on beautiful Connemara for the annual Marathon races. 

Congrats Ray, and good luck with the 'training'. 




Even Splits!

Even Splits!



The Evidence

The Evidence


Valerie G

14 years 3 months ago

Well done Ray!
That training might catch on alright - Fantstic time!
I`m expecting Connemara to be lined with Tulips on Sunday...