
Well, he's done it again!

Ray O'Connor has managed to drag himself over the finish line of the Marathon Des Sables, generally agreed to be one of the toughest footraces on Earth, in more or less one piece. He even managed to get himself interviewed out on the course by the official race web-site and featured on their front page. You can hear him being interviewed at

(mp3 also attached below)

Arriving at The Finish Line

Arriving at The Finish Line
Ray's Final Result

Ray's Final Result

To compete in this race takes a lot of courage, but to complete the challenge takes courage, strength, determination and a modicum of stupidity. We won't speculate upon which of these qualities it was that pulled Ray through this time but he finished in 356th position which is well into the top half of the field. Ray has produced a race report for each of his marathons and I'm guessing this one may well be worth reading.

I've attached the sound file of the interview that Ray gave to the race organisers in case the official site goes down and will give links to a couple of YouTube videos that give you a picture of the challenge that Ray had to overcome.

I also hear that Ray was interviewed on the Marion Finnucane show this morning 'direct from the desert'. For more updates you can check out Ray's own site at where it's 'all Ray all the time'. :-)

Well done man - we're proud of you!

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15 years 3 months ago


A pity that it counts as only one race in the AAC's Club Member of the Year contest likewise.
