
Ann Carter put on a confident and well paced display of road running for the second time in as many weeks when she was first woman past the finish line of the Kilconieron 5 Mile Road Race last Saturday. Ann was also first past the post in the Maree 8km two week previously in a splendid time of 31:51 and she effectively duplicated that feat in Kilconieron with a 31:52 clocking for the marginally longer distance. Ann has been one of the most consistent road runners in the West of Ireland over recent years and she is returning to form after a short period off the road due to injury.

Such fine early season form indicates that her recovery has been complete and doubtless she will plan to build on these fine performances in the coming months.

Congratulations from all of us Ann.

Ann Carter - Winner Maree 8k 2009

Ann Carter - Winner Maree 8k 2009

Dettie Carter

15 years 4 months ago

Ann is my sister and my idol. Her determination and enthusiasm is overwhelming. She is strong mentally and physically. Behind this strength is a big soft kind hearted woman. I am so proud of her and delighted that she finally gets that chance to show her talent of running. As a child in school nobody could pass Ann, unfortunately the facilities weren't there for Ann to be coached professionally. Stay injury free Ann and keep running. We will run together again soon! Your loving sister, Dettie