
Did you do the Loughrea 5 Miler this year?

Do you remember that beautiful autumn day bathed in brilliant sunshine when we were hosted by the good members in Loughrea AC? If the memories are starting to fade then you might just be in luck. Former runner turned photographer John O'Connor was on hand that day, as he has been so often before, to record the action and to preserve some of our memories. John is a hugely gifted photographer with an artist's eye for portraiture.

John gives very generously of his time and talent to record the action at so many road races in the West of Ireland and we're very thankful that he does so. His love for running and his admiration for the people he 'snaps' shines through his work. The old cliche says that a picture speaks a thousand words and if so John's work must equate to a library of Galway's running history.

Two large collections of John's pictures from Loughrea can be found in our photo gallery which is accessible using the link at the top of the page.

Thanks John!


15 years 9 months ago

A big thank you to john o'connor for taking the photos at all Galway athletic events.John is a gifted man with a camera and was an elite runner in his heyday.A 2 hour 29 minute marathon earned him nineth place in Dublin in its early years.A joc fan!