
Louisburgh to Westport Half-Marathon Reports by Maire Teresa Beatty, Debbie Flynn, Mark Breen and Miriam Wall

While some Athenry members had travelled to Waterford for the National Half marathon more took up the Coastal Charity Challenge, otherwise known as the Westport Half Marathon. Led by the indomitable Maria Hehir there were personal best times, category wins and a few glasses of wine afterwards.

Here’s a flavour of the experience in the words of three of the participants;

Maire Teresa Beatty (1:37 – 1st W45)

“Got to Westport at 9.30am. Bus going to Louisburgh at 10:00. No buzzing music on our bus. Got to Louisburgh - about five minutes after arriving you see the Athenry AC ladies running down the road. Maria had 3 miles done and Debbie had 5 miles done! Now if that’s not following Mick Rice’s ways then they have caught the running bug for sure. I did my short warm up as far as the ladies toilet and back! Athenry lads and ladies looked well. Only Mark Breen had no Athenry singlet - but Maria had a word with him. There were just over a hundred people running and we were ready to go. Mary Walsh from the Mayo Mountain Rescue Team blew the whistle and we were off.

The run was nice and a little uphill into Louisburgh - but then flat and downhill. The views were lovely running by the coast - sea and Islands on our left and Croagh Patrick to our right. It was a lovely day - nice and dry - must be the first run since 5k series that stayed dry right through.

I took off a bit to fast but by mile two had settled into the run and had a nice pace going. There was a water station just after mile four which was just right. Miles five and six were a bit slow. I must have been day-dreaming. Then I got back into the race and miles 7, 8 and 9 went well. I caught up with a guy from Athenry who was working in Galway and told him all about the club. I told him he should join!!!!

Then I decided to push myself a little and, looking at the time, I thought I would have to finish in less than 1:40. So I stopped talking and went for it. Miles 11 and 12 were all downhill into Westport and finished on the quay. I did it 1:37. I was delighted as it was a PB for me.

I stayed around for a quick chat. Mark and Larry did well. Larry had a PB of 1:22. All the girls did well.”

Debbie 'Flyin' Flynn

Debbie 'Flyin' Flynn

Debbie Flynn (2:17)

"My intention for the Louisburg to Westport Half Marathon was to run it not as a race but to clock up the miles in my training for the BIG ONE! I had 18 miles to cover so decided to run 5 miles prior to start of the ‘half’ and was very lucky to have my sister Grainne to accompany me on the beautiful scenic back roads of Louisburgh. In fact, I was enjoying the scenery so much that I was forgetting to keep an eye on time and found I had only 10mins to spare by the time we got back to the village to line up for the start. There was a nice small group lined-up and so I had no problem finding the familiar Athenry AC faces of Mark, Maria, Maire-Teresa, Miriam, Breege M & MC.

So off we all set, in perfect weather conditions i.e., no rain, wind. By mile 1 the group was well spaced out and I was beginning to think that I'd be running on my own, when I got chatting to Laurena, who was running her 1st half-marathon in 18 years. Well, we stuck together, chatting and taking in the breathtaking scenery of Clew Bay on our left and Croagh Patrick on our right, stopping at all three water stations for much needed hydration and to stretch. By the time we hit mile 12 (or 17 in my case) I was really feeling the miles but was delighted to see Grainne, Maria & Breege coming to meet me and bring me home that last gruelling mile. Thanks so much girls! So all 'n all a great day out, good run, great company and no injuries!!"

Larry Kelly, Breege and Maria Hehir did PB times.

Mark Breen - On The Warpath in Westport

Mark Breen - On The Warpath in Westport

Mark Breen (1:26 – PB)

Sunday proved to be a funny day what with half the club competing (very successfully as it turned out) at the National Half Marathon in Waterford and the rest of us off to Mayo to run the 13.1 miles from Louisburg to Westport in aid of the Mayo Mountain Rescue Team. It really speaks volumes for the tremendous strides that the club is taking, as well as the good health of running in the West, to be able to field teams in two places at the same time. Fair play to all involved.

I headed west to Westport to join the likes of Larry Kelly, Maire Teresa Beatty Maria Hehir, Breege Moran, Breege McGrath, Miriam Wall, Debbie Flynn and our back-up support of Grainne Breen who encouraged us all along the way. The scenery along this stretch of coastline is truly spectacular especially over Clew Bay and out to Clare Island and all the other islands that I won't pretend to know. There were loads of familiar faces at the start - it really is great to see so many enthusiastic people turn out and I would really encourage others to give it a go. There was one couple who ran with a buggy complete with smiling child - definite candidates for a team prize.

Well the sun nearly came out at the start. However, the midges were out in force and so everyone was delighted when the starter blew her whistle and we were off. Straight away I realised that I might be in a spot of bother as I caught a brief glimpse of team-mate Larry Kelly disappearing over the horizon. I couldn't get near him. Larry had a fantastic run - 82 minutes - he's really flying. I thought - today my main aim will be stay ahead of the midges. What are midges for anyway?

The field seemed to spread out really quickly, and by mile four it felt like I was on my own, except for the tiny dots that were the runners up ahead. Now it was just me and the hills and the spectacular scenery. For those with one eye on the marathon this was a great rehearsal. The race ended in Westport down by the pier. Everyone finished in great spirits including the woman who ran all the way with her dog, the ever-smiling Bernie Kelly and all the others. Debbie had even managed 5 miles before the race. All the women ran the last few miles home with her in great spirits. Tired but happy we head for home. Great event! Thanks again to organisers we’re already looking forward to next year.

There were some great individual performances. Larry Kelly was 4th man home. Miriam was 1st O35 and Maire Beatty was1st O45. Marie Hehir did really well to break 110 minutes and Breege McGrath broke 120 minutes with Breege Moran just behind.

It’s all good……..”

Miriam Wall - (1:43 – PB)

Yet another half-marathon race report from Sunday 7th of August. We were the lucky ones to get the scenic route. The coast road from Louisburg to Westport is hard to beat. If you are going to run the distance you may as well enjoy the scenery and if you really struggle you could think of running up Croagh Patrick and saying a prayer instead.

With near perfect running conditions I arrived at the start with Mark Breen to meet all the friendly Athenry faces. A few of the ladies had already run four of five miles as part of their marathon training. I was glad I was not one of them. I was concentrating on how I was going to run and finish my first half marathon.

The start was nice and relaxed and off we went. The first mile was a nice downhill mile to warm up. The field was fairly spread out after the first three miles and the traffic was not a problem. I could see Maire Beatty ahead of me for the first few miles but then she was gone. There was one girl ahead of me for the whole race but I could not gain on her. Every few miles the Athenry cheerleaders, Grainne and the gang, were there to shout encouragement along the way. I was happy running along and felt strong all the way. My friend (sorry did not get your name) in liquid motion triathlon club passed me at mile 10. I managed to catch him on the next hill but then he was gone again.

Before the race my target time was 1:48 but the real challenge was to finish it. I could not believe it when at mile twelve I was going to be under 1:45. With two male runners catching up on me rapidly I had to race for the finish, I could not let them pass me with a few hundred meters to go! Sorry guys! Yahoo...1:43. I did it! The only problem now is I am hooked and of course the goal posts have moved. Can I do a 1:40 half marathon? Watch this space!


Everyone in the Athenry gang was happy with their run. Most raced it and a few ran a nice steady pace in preparation for the Dublin marathon. Larry Kelly was the first from the club home in 1:26. Yet again Maire Betty came 1st in the over 45, 1:37 and was also 3rd lady home. Miriam Wall came 1st in the over 35 and the 6th woman home in a time of 1:43. Maria Hehir did 1:50 - a PB by 5 minutes! Breege McGrath ran a PB by breaking the 2 hour mark and coming in at 1:58. Bríd Moran did 2:02, Debbie Flynn 2:17 and Larry Kelly 1hr 22min – another PB.

Detailed Athenry Results

Larry Kelly - 1:22

Mark Breen - 1:26

Marie T Beatty - 1:37 - 1st W45

Miriam Wall - 1:44 - 1st W35

Maria Hehir - 1:50

Breege Moran - 1:58

Brid - 2:02

Debbie Flynn - 2:17

Grainne Breen - (Chief Supporter and Rabble-Rouser)


15 years 10 months ago

well done to all who ran the westport/louisburgh hald marathon. thanks to those who took the effort to write the race reports.......... i really enjoy tyhem as they give a real insight into teh race.

i have to say Athenry Ac is an inspiration to all other clubs. ye attend alot of races, have a great website (thats always being updated) and seem like a club that enjoys the sport at ALL levels.

keep the club running.

mayo man.