Oranmore, Moneymore, Rinville Route

Oranmore, Moneymore, Rinville Route

Have you got a favourite running route in the Galway area? Why not share it? Anybody who'd like to get their rave route up here just let me know at [email protected] and we'll post it. It'd be nice to build up a database of great runs in the Galway area.

For starters get yourself out to Oranmore and try this one. This route is mostly on very quiet roads and includes a lovely stretch along the coast at Maree. There are a few hills in there to add a bit of a challenge but nothing too serious. The route consists of a main circuit of 8.35miles and a few optional small circuits of 2.29miles and 1.59miles so you can plan whatever distance you like.

Start at the Orantown Shopping Centre near the 'Quality Hotel Roundabout' on the N6. Run into Oranmore town and just after the Moorings Restaurant and The Thatch Pub take a left towards the Limerick Road (N18). Don't miss your right turn here after about a quarter of a mile. You'll find yourself on a quiet road that leads you out onto the N18. Carefully cross the main road and head straight on down a small country road into Moneymore West.

About two miles out from the start you'll come to a T-junction. Turn right and back towards the Limerick road. You'll have covered three miles by the time you reach the main road. Turn left and run along the hard shoulder for a few hundred yards. You'll need to cross the road as very soon you'll be turning right into Cregganna. Be careful crossing the N18!

Now the route takes you through the quiet townland of Creganna and there's a small rise that won't cause you too much bother. After running 5 miles you'll encounter a crossroads. You'll be going straight through (ok there's a slight jink to the right, call it a chicane or a speed wobble!) before following the coastline for a mile or so. This is a lovely part of the route where you can get plenty of sea air, although it takes a bit of getting used to at low tide.

As your route begins to turn away from the sea, you'll pass by a road to the left and then the route turns sharply to the right. There's a good hill here that'll make you work a bit harder for the next half mile or so. At the top of the hill you'll pass a turn to the left which brings you to the Galway Bay Hotel, the Yacht Club and Rinville Park. From here the main route heads straight back to Oranmore (use the footpath on the left side), through the village and back to the Orantown Shopping Centre.

If you're feeling brave however you can add a bit of distance to the run by either turning left into Rinville Park or turning right to loop around to the coastline run again. There is some excellent running on good trails in Rinville Park. You'll get beautiful views of Galway Bay, nice woodland running and a really challenging hill. The circuit outlined on the map is 1.59 miles long and sticks to the main trail - however there is ample opportunity to go off the main trail and enjoy the smaller routes through the woods.

The circuit to the right is 2.29 miles long and allows you to get more sea air and attack the climb again.

Another option, not outlined on the map, is to run down to the yacht club, passing the quay and follow the coastline along a small trail much favoured by walkers. This trail eventaully peters out so you'll have to turn back towards the yacht club again.

Enjoy it!

You can download the map below.



17 years 5 months ago

Thanks for that run Peter. Have tried it out and its nice and quiet other than crossing the main roads. It has varied my options for long runs from Oranmore.